Not Innovations for One but Continuous Improvement for All

26 February 2014

All the pilots that the Department of Education has initiated are done, according to Undersecretary Lino Rivera as he encouraged principals to exercise good judgement in managing their schools.  “I am not looking for breakthrough innovations that only one school can apply. What I’m after are improvements, continuous improvements that will benefit not just a few but all our schools.”

What I’m after are improvements, continuous improvements
that will benefit not just a few but all our schools.”-Usec Lino

This echoed an appeal made by Fr. Bienvenido Nebres in the same forum held for principals from over 100 schools in CAMANAVA and Pili, Camarines Sur. “People should stop more and more innovations every few years,” he said, noting that some of the older teachers do not adjust to new methods. They resort to paying lip service resulting to teachers applying different modes of teaching.
Schools need not change everything but innovate from inside. “Evaluate the current, continue the good, improve on the weak methods,” the former Ateneo De Manila President said.

“Sometimes, even with the best intentions, we do things that get in the way,” Usec Lino acknowledged. “What are the things that we can do better?” he asked.

The DepEd official assures that principals are empowered to decide on unique situations. “Do not wait for memos to act on every single thing.” While school heads are advised to stick to policies, they are given wide parameters where they are free to act, so long as it is legal.
“We are trying to implement decentralization not just because it’s a mandate but because it’s good management,” he said. “You can say no when you have to say no, but say it nicely and give alternatives.”

The forum was held in January as part of the USAID-funded workshop conducted by Synergeia Foundation. Here, Usec Lino urged principals to write to his department about all their concerns. “Please do not hesitate to share your problems. Give feedback to the appropriate unit, or my office.”

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