We have come to realize that in the middle of the pandemic, our presence and connection with our local partners remain important as ever. We have proven once again that collaboration is a key element of growth. In the past months, with the support of partner LGUs, we have conducted online write – shops to strengthen the capacities of teachers in module preparation. We are hurriedly aiming to fill the gap, at least in EdGE sites, as school opening nears and education authorities seemed ill-prepared in providing school children with learning modules. Educators have benefited from the training either by joining in the Zoom meetings or by watching through Facebook Live.
In the write-shops, we provide guideposts to teachers on how to develop their own instructional materials following DepEd’s MELC. We emphasize the importance of writing modules as if one is talking to a child, by using the first person, and by writing in short sentences or short paragraphs. We advise teachers that presenting a lesson through a story, an activity, a poem or song, by drawing or through problem solving are more effective ways of teaching.
In the last part of the write-shop, we provide teachers with time to work on their own module and then we hold a short sharing session. We are pleased that the write-shops have brought new skills to participant-teachers. Some of them have submitted their modules to us for possible uploading in our learning portal. So far, 95 modules have been submitted and 22 have been selected to be uploaded on the education website of Synergeia.
By sharing these modules with us, teachers are realizing that this is the time to collaborate with other educators. These modules will now become part of the growing online learning resource that Synergiea is building. We are happy that we are enriching our learning portal from the work that our teachers themselves have made.