March 20, 2018 was a red-letter day for Panghulo Elementary School and everyone was abuzz with excitement. It was the day of the groundbreaking for the construction of a 2-storey, 6-classroom building costing P8.27 million and to be funded by UniTeller.
At around summer last year, UniTeller, a US-based international remittance company whose CSR program focuses on supporting the welfare of children by working with their barangays, schools and communities, did a site inspection of the elementary school and saw that the existing 1-storey 3-classroom building was one meter below the school ground level. During heavy rains and high tides when the nearby Tullahan River became swollen, the classrooms became flooded and the teachers and children held classes with feet soaked in flood waters. Immediately, UniTeller decided to prioritize the construction of a new school building.
The partnership agreement was concluded among UniTeller, Barangay Panghulo in Obando, Bulacan, the Panghulo Elementary School and Synergeia Foundation. It is now coming to fruition. Construction will be done in two phases – 3 classrooms on the first storey will be completed in time for the school opening in June, while the 3 other classrooms on the 2nd storey will be constructed next year. Principal Vilma de Ocampo, Barangay Captain Marc Louie Gonzales, Synergeia CEO Ma’am Nene and officials of UniTeller led by Mr. Oscar Moreno, Mr. Fernando Gutierrez and Mr. Felipe Roque were present to witness the groundbreaking. We are hoping for more collaboration with UniTeller Filipino Inc. in the future.