Once Upon a Story : A Collaborative Challenge

16 May 2020

We would like to invite our teachers, students, and parents to develop a treasure chest of stories, poems, essays, games, puzzles, among the many others.  Share your creativity and talents with hundreds of children.  In partnership with Smart Communications, Synergeia is developing a portal that would help children become better readers, creative persons, and deep thinkers.  

This portal is also dedicated to teachers, parents, and local government officials who are committed to provide children with the best learning opportunities.  

Important dates to remember:

Deadline for Submission of Entries:  June 30, 2020

Announcement of Selected Entries: July 15, 2020

Who can be part of the Challenge?

              ANYONE can be part of this challenge.

You can be a teacher, a student, a parent, a school principal, a barangay worker, or just about

anyone who has a nice story or composition to tell or who loves to write!


 An entry refers to any of the following:  story, poem, essay, games, and puzzle.  They can be written from children, teenagers, parents, local government officials.

  1. The entry submitted should be ORIGINAL and NOT copied or adapted from those written and published by other authors.
  2. A maximum of 3 entries can be submitted with a maximum of 800 words per entry.
  3. Each entry must have work exercises to develop comprehension and thinking skills.
  4. It must be in an editable format, MS Word or MS PowerPoint.

Sample themes:

  • Local heroes and unsung heroes in your area
  • Traditions, customs and beliefs
  • Local history, Arts  and Culture
  • Nature, special events
  • Stories that foster values
  • Promotion of peace and justice

How to submit your entries:

Contributions should be submitted by email to mguevara@www1.synergeia.org.ph on or before June 30, 2020.   

The author of selected entries will have the privilege of helping hundreds of children, their families and teachers.  He/she will be given a Certificate of Creativity and   a modest honorarium of P3, 000 per chosen entry.  The work will be uploaded in the Synergeia website that is dedicated for instructional materials.

Rights Associated with the contest:

  1. Winning entries that will be used as materials for online learning materials developed and publicized by Synergeia Foundation will be properly acknowledged.
  • Synergeia Foundation has the right to edit, publish, promote and use entry materials without permission, notice or additional compensation to the contributor/writer.
No summary




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